The Exportables- Sesame Seed

Praise GOD for resources, there are tons of items one can export to generate profit.
Basically choose something in which there’s less stress and you still earn well.
The Exportables feature some of the best export recommendations:

Sesame Seed

Other Names; Benne, benne seed, benniseed.

Sesame Seed follows after Cocoa as the Nigeria’s leading agricultural exports.
With its rich nutty flavor, Sesame, which has one of the highest oil contents of any seed, remains one of the oldest oilseed crops in the known world.

A crop that can be grown at the edge of deserts where no other crops grow. Sesame has been called a survivor crop.
Relevance to the global economy?
Food industries: the oils obtained from sesame are used in producing the canned sardines, margarines (due to its property of a long shelf life), corned beefs. Usually in bakeries, dehulled seeds are mostly preferred in production of bread, cake, burgers e.t.c.
Cosmetics industries: production of soaps, bath-oils, perfumes, body and hair creams etc
Pharmaceutical industries: for administering certain intravenous drugs, the oil serves as carriers of the drugs into the body system.
Neutraceuticals i.e. in natural medical applications without use of processed products:
Lubricants;, inks, paints and insecticides.
In addition to all that has been listed, sesame seeds also serve as food for wild life.
The major consuming markets in the world are the industrialized nations like Japan, USA and European countries like UK, Germany.
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About Palmadex

Palmadex is a fully registered company by the Nigerian Government to engage in non–oil export of agricultural products and import of chemicals, apparels and clothing accessories. The company is registered by the following government agencies:
· Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with registration no: RC1247679
· Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) with registration no : EXC 11077